ICE on board the Zero-G plane at the 64th CNES flight campaign
The ICE team participated in the 64th flight campaign of CNES (French space agency) aboard the Airbus A310 ZERO-G in March 2023. The...

Correlated quantum sensors to verify General Relativity
A team of French physicians (CNRS, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Observatoire de Paris, UPMC, Université de Bordeaux), supported by...

Hybridization between iXblue FOG and a 3D quantum accelerometer
For mobile operation of the hybrid accelerometer, it is crucial to compensate for rotations of the sensor head which easily prevent any ...
Baptiste BATTELIER HDR defense
Baptiste defended his "habilitation a diriger des recherches" on Friday, February 19th 2021. Unfortunately it was fully virtual, but a...
Welcome to Dylan, new post-doc and to Joseph and Xinhao, PhD students
Welcome to Dylan O. Sabulsky and Xinhao Zhou as new members of the MIGA team as Post-doc and PhD respectively. Congratulations to Joseph...
Congratulations to Maxime Bellouvet who successfully defended his PhD
Congratulations to Maxime Bellouvet who defended his PhD on Bose Einstein Condensation and simulating new near fields traps using a...
Ultra-cold atoms in 0g in the lab
We have recently started operating our 0g-simulator which gives access to microgravity in the laboratory. The first results are very...

First BEC on ICE !
We recently obtained the first BEC on ICE, through an all optical cooling setup, in one chamber. The atom sample is composed of about...