Hybridization between iXblue FOG and a 3D quantum accelerometer
For mobile operation of the hybrid accelerometer, it is crucial to compensate for rotations of the sensor head which easily prevent any ...
Baptiste BATTELIER HDR defense
Baptiste defended his "habilitation a diriger des recherches" on Friday, February 19th 2021. Unfortunately it was fully virtual, but a...

Postdoctoral position: Multi-axis atom interferometry for inertial navigation
We offer a two-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the Cold Atoms in Bordeaux group at LP2N. The postdoc position is part of...

Post doc: Ultra-cold atoms in microgravity
The research work of our team focuses on the production of ultra-cold gases in microgravity, covering a large panel of unexplored atomic...

Ph D: Ultra-cold matter waves in microgravity for atom interferometry
Our research group is devoted to the production of ultra-cold quantum gases in microgravity. The main goal is to achieve atom...