Offre d'emploi: Ingénieur en techniques expérimentales (CDD 18 mois)
Poste d’ingénieur d’étude disponible au sein du laboratoire commun iXAtom avec Exail pour développer des systèmes laser pour les capteurs...
Ph D position available (2024): Ultra-cold matter waves in microgravity for atom interferometry
If you are interested in the triple expeirmental challenge of ultra-cold gases, atom interferometry, and microgravity, you may have a...
PhD and PD position in Quantum information : Design and implementation of an atom chip
This PhD focuses on the design, testing and implementation of an atomic chip to trap ultra-cold atoms and integrating both optical and...
Opto-numerical phase detection : M1/M2 Internship position
This internship focuses on the study of a promising free-space optical communication architecture for satellite links. This architecture,...
Postdoctoral position: Multi-axis atom interferometry for inertial navigation
We offer a two-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the Cold Atoms in Bordeaux group at LP2N. The postdoc position is part of...
Post doc: Ultra-cold atoms in microgravity
The research work of our team focuses on the production of ultra-cold gases in microgravity, covering a large panel of unexplored atomic...
Ph D: Ultra-cold matter waves in microgravity for atom interferometry
Our research group is devoted to the production of ultra-cold quantum gases in microgravity. The main goal is to achieve atom...
Master 2 : Potassium laser system development
Here you can download the subject of the internship : pdf #AUFRONS
Master 2 : Transfer cavity for sub-wavelength imaging
Please find the details of this internship in this pdf #AUFRONS